About Greg
Greg’s life is an inspiration. From his many adventures to being Division 5’s Local Councillor, his dedication to the Bargara Community is truly remarkable. With his extensive experience, Greg’s leadership and insights are invaluable. His unwavering commitment to his constituents shines through his passion and drive to make a difference. He is a true asset to the council, and his unparalleled devotion to his community sets a standard for us all to strive towards. Greg’s determination to stand up for what’s right is truly admirable, and we can all learn from his example. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a formidable ally on our side, paving the way for a brighter future for us all.
Fun Facts About Greg
Greg was born in Hong Kong in 1955 to English expats Norman and Madge Barnes and was the youngest of three children behind Roger and Jane.
He gained his secondary education at King George Fifth (KGV) School in Kowloon and migrated to Sydney in 1972.
In 1974 his parents migrated to Kerikeri, New Zealand when his Dad retired as Asst. Director of Education (Hong Kong). A few years later they were followed by his sister Jane and her husband Peter Binstead. Both of his parents have since passed away and Jane and Peter continue to live in Kerikeri while his brother Roger and his wife Melise reside on the NSW south coast.
Growing up in Hong Kong during what could be described as the end of the ‘colonial era’, experiencing the Communist riots in 1966 & 1967 and witnessing the influx of military vessels and personnel on R & R from the Vietnam War (and especially in the Wanchai District & the China Fleet Club!!) remain just a part of Gregs earlier memories.
In 1974 Greg joined the New South Wales Police Force and served mainly with the Mounted Police, General Duties and Highway Patrol.
In 1977 he married Isobel and they were blessed with the birth of Susan in 1982. (Suzie currently resides on the Gold Coast) having received all of her education at Bargara State School and Kepnock High School. Susan is employed in the tourism/travel industry.
During 1978/79 Greg was seconded to a small covert surveillance team which had initially been established to gather intelligence on a serial arsonist operating in the Sydney area during a period when the controversial ’21 Division’ was being dismantled. They were also assigned to a variety of surveillance duties which included narcotics and armed robbery offences being conducted mainly across the Eastern Suburbs & Kings Cross areas.
By 1979 he’d had enough of witnessing the sleazier side of Sydney so he applied to return to uniform, cut his hair, shaved the beard and joined the Highway Patrol before transferring to Cessnock in the Hunter Valley. They were determined not to raise their children in the environment that Sydney had on offer. In 1983 Greg transferred to Newcastle and later to the nearby Charlestown Highway Patrol base which was his final posting.
In 1986 Greg was injured following the pursuit of a stolen vehicle when the police vehicle that he was driving was rammed several times before a final collision ended the chase. With the assistance of Drug Squad officers, the offender, who had been fleeing from an armed robbery, was arrested. Unfortunately, as a result of the incident, Greg was discharged as ‘Hurt On Duty’.
Greg and his wife Isobel relocated their family to Bargara in 1987 and spent several years working in the diving industry as both an Instructor and ADAS Level 1 Commercial Diver. In 1995 we opened Bargara Beach Dive & Leisure in See Street and purchased a charter boat for local dive trips which focused on the Cochrane Artificial Reef. During that time we provided SCUBA Diving instructional Services for both the MV Lady Musgrave day-cruise operation and Lady Elliot Island Resort over some four years.
As a local businessman it didn’t take long to notice the lack of community pride and confidence which was reflected in one of the State’s highest unemployment rates of over 14%. The CBD had a dilapidated appearance and business patronage was declining. There was a real sense of doom and gloom over the whole area.
Greg felt that the potential of the coastal region needed a catalyst to kick-start the economy and bring back a true sense of ‘identity’. In 1997 & 1998 he founded the Coral Coast Chamber of Commerce and Tourism, Bargara’s ANZAC Day Dawn Service commemorations, the Coral Coast Turtle Festival, Tandem Skydiving jumps and Parasailing activities utilising the beach in front of the CBD.
From the outset, they recognised that the Chamber’s focus would be on the tourism industry given the coastal location and the make up of membership which would rely heavily on the visitors. At the same time they were mindful to be very much a part of a close community and to contribute as much as possible to the overall community vision rather than focus solely on commercial interests.
Professional Journey
In March 2000 Greg was elected for an initial quadrennial term on the Burnett Shire Council which comprised of 10 Councillors and a Mayor without electoral divisions.
In March 2004 he was re-elected onto the Council which had by then reduced its number to 8 Councillors and a Mayor and was again undivided.
In March 2008 Greg was again re-elected onto the newly-amalgamated Bundberg Regional Council as one of 10 Councillors + Mayor and assigned the Finance Portfolio. The new Council incorporated 10 Divisions which were determined by the number of electors in each Division being within + or – 10% of each other.
In April 2012 Greg was re-elected to the Council under a similar structure however this time he was assigned the ‘Economic Development’ Portfolio which encompasses the conceptualisation and delivery of all Major Projects across the organisation, Airport Operations and Tourism Operations.
In March 2016 election Greg was re-elected to the Council together with a new Mayor and 5 new Councillors. Similar to the previous term, he was given the ‘Tourism and Regional Growth Portfolio’ which again incorporates Major Projects and Airport Operations.
In April 2020 Greg was re-elected as the representative for Division 5 and assigned the three portfolios of:
- Disaster Management;
- Airport Operations;
- COVID Recovery.
Greg feels he has been extremely fortunate to represent Division 5 which in general terms, now incorporates the coastal townships of Bargara & Innes Park North. The townships of Innes Park and Coral Cove were excised off as a result of a boundary re-alignment prior to the 2016 election and was carried out to maintain a balance in the electoral quota (+ or – 10%) across the region due to a high population growth within the Bargara township.
In 2002 Greg was appointed as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified) for the State of Queensland.
“The role is rewarding and provides me with additional opportunities to meet with residents and gain their feedback on a number of issues.” Greg says.
Anyone requiring JP services and who is unable to travel can call Greg on 0488 539 123 to arrange a home visit.
Naturally, these services are provided free of any charge.
To find a list of JPs within the Bundaberg region click here
In 1998 Get saw an elderly woman injure her face when she tripped over the uneven and cracked footpath in See Street. His complaints to the Council had little effect and after speaking and writing to them without much luck he contacted an urban economist, Bob Abnett who had done some work around the City’s CBD. Greg arranged for him to come to Bargara to examine the possible re-vamp of the CBD and foreshore. Bob brought with him a respected Town Planner, Caroline Stalker specialising in coastal townships. They spent a couple of days reviewing the area before presenting some excellent ideas and sketches to a meeting with business owners and Council’s Town Planner at the back of Greg and Isobel’s dive shop. The essence of their finding was to upgrade the whole CBD and focus on pedestrian connectivity with an upgraded and beautified foreshore. The streetscape project had taken the first real step forward.
Through sheer good timing, the State Government announced a funding program for such projects shortly afterwards and Council’s CEO & Planner asked Greg if they could adopt his project to be used as a Council submission as they didn’t have any suitable projects ready which would suit the criteria.
He agreed and the application was ultimately approved. A couple of years later it was completed and has since proven to be the major catalyst for the social and economic boost for the coastal region.
Achievements, Qualifications and Experience
BRC = Bundaberg Regional Council
BSC = Burnett Shire Council
- Councillor, Division 5, Bundaberg Regional Council (2020 – present)
- Councillor, Division 5, Bundaberg Regional Council (2016 – 2020)
- Councillor, Division 5, Bundaberg Regional Council (2012 – 2016)
- Councillor, Division 5, Bundaberg Regional Council (2008 – 2012)
- Councillor, (Undivided) Burnett Shire Council (2004 – 2008)
- Councillor, (Undivided) Burnett Shire Council (2000 – 2004)
- Initiator, Division 5 Weekly Consultation Desk (2014 – present)
- Deputy Chair, Local Disaster Management Group (2018 – present)
- Certificate of Service Award – 15 Years (LGAQ 2015)
- Tourism & Regional Growth Portfolio (2016 – present)
- Economic Development Portfolio, (BRC 2012 – 2016)
- Chair, Disaster Economic Recovery Committee (BRC 2013 – 2014)
- Riverfront Redevelopment Project Control Group (BRC 2015 – 2016)
- Finance Portfolio (BRC 2008 – 2012)
- Director, Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism (BRC 2008 – 2010)
- Acting Deputy Mayor (BSC 2007)
- Chair, Economic Development Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Chair, Development Assessment Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Chair, Development Assessment Review Group (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Chair, Legal Matters Review Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Director, Bundaberg & Dist. Tourism/Development Board (2000 – 2012)
- Planning & Development Committee (BRC 2008- present)
- Digital Services & Social Media Advisory Group (BRC 2013 – present)
- Management Review Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Finance & Corporate Support Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Environment & Community Infrastructure Committee. (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- Engineering Operations Committee (BSC 2000 – 2004)
- ANZAC Day Commmittee (BSC 2003 – 2008)
- Tourism Industry Advisory Committee (BSC 1997 – 2005)
- Bundaberg Crime Stoppers Committee (2004 – 2009)
- Bundaberg PCYC Committee (2004 – 2008)
- Lady Musgrave Taskforce (2009 – 2015)
- BRC Audit & Risk Committee (2008 – 2012)
- BRC Sister Cities Committee (2009 – present)
- Coral Coast Churches Carols By Candlelight Committee (2009 – 2011)
- Certificate of Service Award – 10 Years (LGAQ)
- Statement of Achievement – Queensland Disaster Management Arrangements
- Disaster Management Portfolio (2020 – present)
- Airport Opertions Portfolio (2020 – present)
- COVID-19 Recovery Portfolio (2020 – present)
Citzen of the Year 2008
In 2008 Greg was honoured to be presented with the Bargara Progress Association’s ‘Citizen of the Year’ Award for services to the community. This was a humbling experience and one that he shared with his wife Isobel who deserved equal recognition or all the hard work that she’d contributed in so many areas. Isobel has also been presented with the BPA’s 2008 Volunteer of the Year Award.
Certificate of Appreciation
In 2023, Greg was honoured with a Certificate of Appreciation for his remarkable dedication and service to his community for the past 23 years! His unwavering commitment to bettering the lives of those around him is truly inspiring and holds a positive impact one person can have in this world. Greg’s selflessness and tireless work ethic are qualities that we should all strive to embody in our daily lives, as they truly make a difference in the world. Congratulations, Greg, on this well-deserved recognition of your contributions to the community. May your spirit of service continue to inspire and guide others for many years to come!
- Chair, Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism (2008- 2012)
- Industry Director, Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism (2010 – 2012)
- 2007 Citizen of the Year Award, (BPA)
- President, Coral Coast Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (1997 – 2012)
- Honorary Life Member, Coral Coast Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
- President, Bargara Remembers Inc. (Commemorations Committee)
- Coordinator, Bargara ANZAC Day Dawn Service (1997 – present)
- Vice President, YMCA Bundaberg (2011)
- Initiator, Bargara Streetscape Project (1998)
- Founder & Chair, Bargara ANZAC Day Committee (1997 – present)
- Coordinator, Bargara ANZAC Day Dawn Service (1997 – present)
- Coordinator, Regional ANZAC Day Services Flypasts (1997 – 2020)
- Administrator, Innes Park & Coral Cove Facebookers
- Administraor, Business @ Innes Park & Coral Cove Facebookers
- Administrator, Elliott Heads Facebookers
- Administrator, Businesss @ Elliott Heads Facebookers
- Administrator, Childer Facebookers
- Administrator, Gin Gin Lake Monduran Facebookers
- Administrator, Woodgate Facebookers
- Chair, Coral Coast Events (2002 – 2012)
- Patron, National Servicemen’s Association of Australia (2009 – 2011)
- Patron, Bargara District Little Athletics Centre (2009 – present)
- Member, C14 Qld. Tourism Chairs Committee (2009 – 2012)
- Initiator / Chair Turtle Rockpool Committee
- Justice of the Peace (Qual) (2002 – present)
- JP Weekly Public Community Desk (2014 – present)
- Coordinator, CABE Charity Golf Days
- Coordinator, Tony Leckie Memorial Golf Classic
- Member, Burnett Local Marine Advisory Committee (2008 – 2012)
- Founder & Chair, Coral Coast Turtle Festival
- Coordinator, Coastal Aerial Photography Project
- Coordinator, WIN TV ‘Destinations” programme
- Editor, ‘Coral Coast Destination Guide’
- Coordinator, 2006 Beef Australia Awards of Excellence, Bundaberg
- Honorary Member, Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club (2008/09)
- Voting Member, YMCA, Bundaberg (2009 – 2011)
- President, YMCA Bundaberg (2011)
- Member, Money’s Creek Project Committee (2009 – 2010)
- Bargara Community Bank Steering Committee (2009 – 2011)
- Member, Bargara Triathlon Club (2009 – 2011)
- Member, Bargara Progress Association (2015 – present)
- Member, Sporting Shooters Assn of Aust Long Arm & Pistol Clubs (2020 – present)
- Open Water Diver
- Gold Diver
- Platinum Diver
- Dive Master
- Assistant Dive Instructor (1979)
- Open Water Dive Instructor
- MedDive Instructor
- First Aid Instructor
- DiveCon Instructor
- Gold Instructor
- Platinum Instructor
- Instructor Trainer
- Instructor Examiner
- Instructor Certifier
- Pro 5000 Diver (6,000+ logged dives)
- Oxygen Therapy/Resuscitation Instructor
- Qld Radio Operators Licence
- Level 1 Commercial Diver – Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS)
- Qld Open Coxswains Certificate (Perpetual)
- Owner/ Operator – Bargara Beach Dive & Leisure (1995 – 2001)
- Owner/Operator – Dive Charter Boat ‘Narcosis‘(1995 – 2001)
- Tour Coordinator – 1996/97/98 Vanuatu-‘President Coolidge’ Dive Tours
- Co-ordinator – Bargara Tandum Skydiving
- Operator – Bargara Parasailing
- Responsible Service of Alcohol (Cert. II)
- Category A & B Shooter’s Licence (2019 – 2020)
- Concealed Firearm (Handgun) Licence (2021 – present)
- Rhys CropperRhys Cropper
I have known Greg for 25 years, he’s a local family man who’s lived in what is now his Council Division for 37 years and consistently advocates for the community.
His dedication to his constituents is unwavering, his work in promoting the ANZAC day commemoration in Bargara over the last 24 years is testament to this. Greg has been central in lobbying for Council development works in Bargara and other foreshore community developments.
I recall that not long after I met GregI happened to mention to him the plight of a local mother whose child had a terminal illness. Upon hearing of this Greg and his wife Isobel rallied around local businesses and community members and, in a day, raised $1750 which was passed on to ensure that proper funeral costs could be covered. There are other similar instances like this as that is what they do.
I admire Greg as he is totally independent, he has no political affiliations or alliances. He has no purpose other than to stand up for the community and he always stands for what he believes is right.
I commend Greg as an independent unbiased no-nonsense candidate who unselfishly represents the constituents of his division.
Rhys Cropper
- Captain Ross Parker (Warplanes Pty Ltd – QLD)
I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Greg Barnes for two decades.
He is a model of the hard-working Aussie. His tireless dedication to the welfare of his constuents over many years has continued unabated with the energy and focus of a first term councillor.
He has achieved a great deal to improve the lives of the many individuals and groups that he has fought for and has been so effective because of his insight and dedication from both a business and personal perspective. The list of his achievements and community involvement is impressive indeed.
Greg is a compassionate and dedicated family man of the utmost integrity. He is a sound judge of character with a vast and varied friendship base who all know they can rely on him at any time. He has a broad insight and perspecive on the many issues that face his community and with his well-developed communicaion skills he has been able to make progress where others would struggle.
As a former RAAF officer and professional pilot, I am pleased to count Greg as a true friend and offer my congratulations to him on the great successes he has achieved so far in the hope that he continues in his many roles in support of his community.
- Sandra Wright 5 January 2019 Sandra Wright
Dear greg,
Just a note to express my appreciation for the work you do on behalf of Bargara residence. You always strive to get positive outcomes and always attend promptly to any queries or problems that people present to you
I admire your passion for your division and the fact that you stand up for what you think is right. Your availability for community members certainly goes beyond the call of duty
Every best wish for good health, and many happy personal moments during 2019.
Yours sincerely
Sandra Wright
- John and Rachael Wilson
Both my husband and I have lived in division 5 for nearly 2 decades and love being Bargara locals
We feel extremely fortunate to have had Greg Barnes as our councillor throughout.
He has always been there for all his constituents, setting up in Bargara Central shopping area
virtually every Saturday morning, through rain, chilly winter mornings and also in our extreme heat
and humidity. To have your local councillor (and JP) there and available to chat about any concerns
or issues, week in week out, is just wonderful, and shows a deep commitment …..this is quite
unusual in this day and age.
I also would like to say how Greg Barnes has been there for us as a family when we went to him for
help through a personal crisis. He showed compassion, gave us sound advice, (as we didn’t know
what to do) and his care was above and beyond the council role he holds.
John and Rachael Wilson - Shane Emms
When we moved to Bargara in 2016, Greg was one of the first people to say hello when we attended an Australia Day Breakfast a few days later & it remained that way for 8 years. He was always open & honest about anything to do with the region & always supported individuals who want to make a difference with his community first approach. Critically in Qld with the lack of a senate - political parties try & infiltrate local councils to influence the local activity - Greg has always had none of that by remaining highly independent & transparent in his modus operandi. He is dedicated to Bargara but not at the expense of a god regional decision, has community values at his heart & is not beholden to any party politics or local politics that seem to serve self interest first. Bargara is better with Greg as its local councillor & the region is better for his challenge to the status quo & empire building that appears to occur. Good luck in the next election Greg - you deserve to continue to represent the seaside paradise of Bargara. Shane Emms
- Christine Rodwell – Voices For Change
“On behalf of Voices for Change (A roar for animals), we would like to make public our gratitude toward Mr Greg Barnes. After meeting with Greg regarding some questions I had, not only did I leave with answers to my questions, but a greater understanding of our Shire and solutions to the addressed problems. Greg took time out to get a better understanding of the current small pet (DOG and CAT), over population issues (driven by pet owners not adhering to the current legislation, along with other issues), that are forcing our innocent pets to be put to sleep. With what was a negative topic, he created a positive solution, and he has been actively addressing each problem head on. Greg, we are truly blessed to have you as our representative here in Bargara
- Julie Campbell – North Bundaberg
“I want to thank you Greg for helping us during our hour of need. We didn’t know where to go to until a friend told us that you were our best hope and they were right on the mark there. Even though we live outside your area you were prepared to fight for us and fixed the problem so quickly so a big thank you for that.”
- Eddie Romano – Resident, Palm Lake Resort, Bargara
“I will shortly be leaving the Bargara/Bundaberg region, but in the 10 years I have been a resident, I have to say that I have been impressed by your performance as a Divisional Ward Councillor.
Your knowledge of your Ward and its local peculiarities, and your engagement with residents, and willingness to pitch in and help the locals, has been exemplary.
So I want to say a big “Thank you” Greg.
I also hope the BRC continues with its current format of Ward Representation, as this gives residents and ratepayers a more personal service and representation in Council. Nobody wants to see BRC become a big impersonal Bundaberg-centric conglomerate ruled predominately by Bundaberg interests.
My wife and I wish you well in the future. We have enjoyed our time in the Bargara and Bundaberg region, and feel satisfied overall with the way BRC has undertaken its obligations to ratepayers.”
- James Corvan – General Manager, Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism
“The board of Bundaberg North Burnett Tourism, under the Chairmanship of Greg Barnes, has provided a stable progressive base for the staff to rebuild the organisation into one of Queensland’s most respected tourism organisations.”
James Corvan
- Ivan Rasmussen – Deputy Mayor, Burnett Shire Council
“Greg is a conscientious and dedicated community representative.
He undertakes high levels of research and maintains an independent and balanced approach to all his decision making.
Greg has an excellent ability to think strategically and also to be highly proactive in achieving positive outcomes for the community and the region.
He is not afraid to stand up for his convictions and ask the hard questions.”
Ivan Rasmussen
- Peter Selinger – Manager, Bundaberg Rum Bond Store
“Greg is an innovative and energetic leader.
He demonstrates very high levels of integrity and commitment in his dealings with people.
I worked with Greg on the Board of Bundaberg Region Tourism and found him to be an able and active chair who provided inspiration and great direction.
It was a joy to work with Greg on projects and I very much valued his counsel and good advice.”
Peter Selinger
- Dr. Warren Holloway, Bargara
“I have known Greg Barnes for many years and have always been impressed by the number of projects that he gets involved with.
Greg has always been able to find that fine balance between sustainable development and maintaining the natural environment that we all enjoy on the coast.
I am not only pleased, but indeed honoured to support him in his bid for re-election as our Council representative.”
Warren Holloway
- Peter Huth – Councillor, North Burnett Regional Council
“If you want a job done and you want it done properly, then give it to Greg Barnes. Greg is passionate about everything he gets involved in. He loves a challenge and certainly doesn’t back away when things get tough.
I have known him as a hard worker for more a decade but over the past four years his leadership as the Chairman of the local Tourism Board has been outstanding.
He showed true professionalism as he steered the organisation through a massive restructure and despite some difficult challenges.
With the help of a new Board and General Manager he has achieved some amazing results.”
Peter Huth
- Gary Rinehart – Chief Executive Officer, Burnett Shire Council
“I worked with Greg Barnes at Burnett Shire between 2000 and 2004. During this period I was the Council’s Chief Executive Officer and Greg was a newly elected Councillor.
I found Greg to be hard working, astute and committed to the highest standards of accountability, honesty and integrity. Greg expected those around him, including his fellow Councillors, me and my staff to exhibit those same high standards.
During 2000 and 2004 Burnett Shire experienced exceptional residential and commercial growth. Through this period Greg was Chairman of the Planning and Development Committee.
Greg had an outstanding grasp of his responsibilities as a Chairperson and an excellent understanding of Planning and Environmental legislation.
In my observation Greg placed the welfare of the community at the forefront of his thinking and was highly effective in balancing the needs and expectations of the community with those of the development industry.
Through his dual role as Councillor and Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce Greg took a lead role in developing tourism at both a local and regional level.
Greg was one of the driving forces behind the Bargara foreshore redevelopment and worked tirelessly with the Regional Development Board to get Bundaberg and the Coral Coast recognised as a tourism destination.
His commitment to the community is also evidenced by the enormous personal contribution he makes to the running of community events including the annual Bargara ANZAC Day commemoration.
I have no hesitation in recommending Greg as a Councillor committed to his community and having the drive, enthusiasm and knowledge to make things happen.”
Gary Rinehart
- Ian Rowan – Former Chief Executive Officer, YMCA Bundaberg
“I have known Greg and his family for 20 years. As a Councillor, he always exhibits the highest integrity and is always open and transparent in his communications with ratepayers. The Division he represents, originally with Burnett and now with Bundaberg Regional Council, can always rely totally on Greg putting forward the strongest case to support their needs and representation in the Region”
- Mark Hall – Director & Pilot, Mustang Flights Australia
“As a director and pilot of Mustang Flights Australia I have know Cr Greg Barnes since 2010. I have always found him very professional, personable and genuine supporter of the Bundaberg community. The history of classic warbirds from Caboolture supporting the ANZAC day commemorations goes back more than a decade. In the 4 times I have piloted the Mustang for these events, I have been very impressed with Greg’s enthusiasm for and dedication to the local community.
He has shown a level of patriotism and support for the local population which is rare these days. This was very much in evidence when myself and my pilot colleague Brian Stephens were invited to the rededication of the new Bargara ANZAC memorial on 24th April 2015 at which Greg was the proud yet humble MC.
The fact that Bargara had 13000 people at the dawn service the next morning proved that he and his associates are doing something right.
This strong sense of community was again evident in the aftermath of the floods in 2013 with the Bundy Rising campaign. The Mustang group had always felt a strong bond with the region through Greg and his team and it only seemed natural that we donate 2 joyflights as raffle prizes to help rebuild the community.
We as a group look forward to continuing our strong relationship with the people of the Bundaberg and their city council”.
- Christine Rodwell – Former Bargara Resident
“I’d like to share a positive story. I lived in Bargara for about 10 years. Love it and call it home… One thing I must say is I am grateful for the hardwork Greg Barnes does for the area and more so for the people. Im not into politics, but I can say I am blessed to know Greg and Isobel Barnes and they are the most decent human beings I know”.
Authorissed by Greg Barnes, 7 Woodglen Close Bargara Qld 4670 for Greg Barnes ( Candidate)
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