At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Bargara Remembers Committee, I was again honoured to be re-elected as the organisation’s President. To say that I am humbled would be an understatement. Most committee members have once again volunteered their time for this year’s ANZAC Day Dawn Service which stands as testiment to their commitment to providing yet another quality event.
Having initiated the Bargara Service in 1997, I’ve been amazed at the community support for each of the 27 previous annual events.
Once again the organisation has two very strong priorities:
- To honour the men and women of the nations Australian Defence Force, including those who served with pride and those who continue to do so;
- To focus on and involve the region’s youth from the toddlers to the teenagers and instil in them the ANZAC Spirit so that it endures for evermore.
What started off all those years ago as a Bargara-specific event, it has evolved into a regional pilgrimage for Diggers, Families and also for Visitors who happen to be in our area at that time of year. I have to admit that every Dawn Service stirs up some pretty raw emotions and when I’m on the stage looking at serveral thousand faces in the crowd, it make my heart swell with pride.
If anyone wishs to volunteer a small amount of time n the day, it would be greatly appreciated. Please call me on 0488 539 123 to find out more.
If you’re new to the area or simply want to review a video of the entire 2021 Dawn Service, please click on this link: 2021 Bargara ANZAC Day Dawn Service